Please follow the steps below to avoid errors during the installation of the game.
?Download Game on website
- - You can download the game on

- - After downloading the game, "DragonOath2.exe" will be available in your folder.

?Extract DragonOath2.exe
- - Open DragonOath2.exe then Extract to the folder you want.

- After extracting, you will see the game folder with those file.

?Exclude Game Folder in Window Defender/ Antivirus Software:
- - Open Window Defender or Antivirus Software in your PC. Choose "Virus & threat protection settings"
- - At Virus & threat protection settings. Choose Manage settings

- - Scroll down to find Exclusions function, then click Add or remove exclusions

Choose Add an exclusion and choose Folder

Link to your Game Folder then click Select Folder

After Select Folder, you will see the folder you select will appear in Exclusion List

?FIXING ERRORS in Launcher
In case if an error occurs during the installation or update process. You can click FIXING ERRORS in Launcher to fix your game folder.
The Launcher will automatically find and update missing or error files during the update process.
